Each week I share books I’m reading for my Read 100 Challenge, as well as podcasts I’m listening to and links I love from around the blogosphere. I love to get recommendations, so please let me know what you are reading!
Oh, friends, I have read 98 books now. I’m so excited I could squeal! That means that I will most likely reach my goal of reading 100 books in 2015 next week! I want to celebrate with you all by having a special treat, so stayed tuned next Saturday 🙂
Books I’m Reading
Following a Sacred Path: Raising Godly Children by Elizabeth White
Our priest asked each family in our church to read Elizabeth White’s book in preparation for monthly discussions on faith and parenting. White has been a Montessori teacher and a supervisor for her church’s Sunday school program. She brings a discovery-based, Montessori-style approach to the topic of child-rearing that I found quite intriguing. I will write a complete review of the book in a couple of weeks!
The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You by Jessica N. Turner
“Once I freed myself from the bondage of perfection and embraced a lifestyle that made time for my passions, I was happier in all of my pursuits and responsibilities.” Yes, yes! Turner’s book completely resonates with my experience this year. Making time for my priorities and interests (in my case reading and writing) has helped me become a better wife, mother, teacher, and person. Somehow our culture has impressed upon moms that they are selfish when they do things just for themselves. However, the opposite is true. When we are refreshed, we are better able to love all those we come in contact with each day. If you feel like your life is too busy for “me” time, or that you don’t even remember the passions and gifts you used to have, The Fringe Hours is a must-read.
Links I Love
Orthodox Menu Plan for November With the Nativity Fast coming up, many of us are looking for ideas and new recipes. Take a look at The Enduring Home’s post for inspiration.
Prosphora and Theosis: Teaching Transformation I loved Raising Saint’s post on teaching children about theosis (sanctification) through making Prosphora (bread that is blessed).
6 Best Side Dishes for Thanksgiving I am totally a side dish girl, so my mouth watered just seeing the pictures in Dreaming of Leaving’s article.
DIY Thankful Jar If you are looking for a simple yet meaningful activity to do with your children in preparation for Thanksgiving, check out Oh My Creative’s post.
Frugal Living
16 Secrets to Saving Money at Costco If you have, or are considering purchasing, a Costco membership, you’ll want to take a look at the money-saving tips that Centsable Momma shares.
9 Lessons I’ve Learned as I Become a Money Making Mom My blogging friend Kristen over at Joyfully Thriving shares a bit of her story and the wisdom she has gained as she strives to add to her family’s income.
This Week on The Orthodox Mama
6 Real Ways to Make Real Money at Home
Helping Your Child Become a Voracious Reader
What are you reading this week?
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I loved, loved, loved the Fringe Hours! Truly life-changing, and a book that I believe all women should read. I’m glad you enjoyed it as well. Thanks for sharing my post, Sarah! Good job with the reading, too. I used to be at 100 yearly before my son was born, but now that’s been cut in half. I’m at 48 so far this year, so still not too shabby. Although the children books I’ve read surely number in the thousands!
48 books is definitely impressive! And, you’re very welcome. I enjoyed your post!
Deep South by Paul Theroux
Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys
Citizens of London by Lynne Olson
I started The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks but just didn’t like it. This was surprising because I have loved her previous historical fiction.
I love that you put aside books that you don’t enjoy. For the longest time I felt guilty if I didn’t finish a book I wasn’t enjoying, then I realized that there are just too many great books out there to waste time on ones that aren’t for me.
Currently reading:
Close to Home by Molly Sabourin
Thanks for including my November menu! I’ve really been enjoying your blog and all that you share. Having a good Orthodox blog to read on a regular basis is kind of like making a new friend! Thank you for the continued inspiration!
I loved Close to Home! I may actually reread that now that I’ve read my 100 books for the year. I hope you enjoy it!