Each season I like to make a “Fun List.” I fill this list not only with family activities that will help us thoroughly enjoy the season but also with some activities for my husband and I to do together or for me to do by myself.
This Fun List helps me be more intentional about doing the things that create memories. The thing is, while many fun things happen spontaneously, others take planning. If I want to go to a certain museum or to a concert, for example, I have to check for tickets, for hours, possibly get childcare, etc.
So, having this Fun List helps me to think through big picture goals and the small details that need to happen to reach those goals.
Today I wanted to share our Summer Fun List with you and the progress that we have made so far.
Our Summer Fun List

Go to a Baseball Game
We have tickets to go see a minor league game with Ella’s godparents. I love minor league games! They often have fun themed days or specials. For example, on the day that we are going, they are having fireworks afterward. So, our kids will get to play with their godsiblings and we can chat with our friends. Score!

Go Strawberry Picking
Our family loves to go fruit picking at local farms and orchards. There is a lovely one about an hour away in western Massachusetts. It has a really fun and quirky playground, a bakery with tasty homemade treats, and plenty of fruit to pick. If we have a big enough haul, I hope to make some strawberry freezer jam. So tasty!

Observe the Night Sky with a Telescope
Our oldest son, Andrew, has become fascinated by space and constellations lately. We want to encourage this interest with some hands-on practice this summer. Our local library actually has telescopes that you can check out. (I know! Crazy right! Libraries are seriously the best.) So, we are looking forward to some late night observations with him.

Ride on a Boat near Niagara Falls
We are taking a serious family road trip this summer from Boston to Denver, Colorado, and then down to Texas and Oklahoma to visit family. We want to take it slowly and enjoy the sights along the way. Our first stop will be Niagara Falls! We have decided to splurge and purchase tickets to ride the boat that takes you right up to the Falls. We seriously can’t wait to experience this with the kids!

Go Hiking in the Rocky Mountains
While we are in Colorado, we have reserved an Airbnb up in the mountains near Breckenridge for a few days. Dan and I love Colorado. He went to undergrad there, and we even honeymooned in Estes Park. So, we are looking forward to sharing this love with our children. I have been researching family-friendly hikes in the area and am hoping for good weather.

Grill with Friends
We have made a concerted effort to invite friends over frequently now that summer is upon us. We will often make this a potluck by asking the guests to bring along a side or another meat, etc. Simple, fun, and easy to clean up!

Visit the Wildlife Refuge and See Buffalo
My parents live just a few miles from the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, which has some of the largest herds of bison in the country. The kids love to drive through the refuge looking for buffalo. We also get out of the car at a few prairie dog towns along the way. It’s a simple, fun way to spend time together. Plus, it’s free!

Get Pedicures with Ella
My daughter is very much a “girly girl” who loves getting her nails painted and doing fun things with her hair. So, she and I will have a fun date together getting pedicures.

Celebrate our 11th Anniversary
My husband and I were married eleven years ago. I don’t know when we got so old, but the years have definitely flown by! We are going out to eat at a nice tapas place near us which has (quite possibly) the best grilled scallops I have ever tasted.

Read Outdoors
I spend a lot of time reading during the summer. I generally aim for 2-4 books per week! Reading outdoors makes the activity even more pleasurable. It is so relaxing!
What fun activities have you done this summer? Or, what are you planning on doing?
I remember when you were a child that I would tell you that you must go outside for at least a little while. I meant for you to go play with some of the neighbor kids but you would sit under a big tree and read. I guess reading outside was started then.
Some things never change….:)