Don’t you just love the new year? It reminds me of Anne Shirley’s delight in the fact that, “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.”
Each December I begin to reflect on the year that is almost past–what went well, what didn’t, what could be improved. Then I sit down and create my goals for the new year.
This year I am trying something different. Instead of creating goals for the entire year, I am going to create a few simple goals each month. There are a few reasons for this, all having to do with big events that I already know will be taking place in 2020.
- My husband will graduate from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in May and will, Lord willing, be ordained to the priesthood.
- This means that we will be moving and beginning a big new chapter in our lives. New city, new jobs, new schools for the kids, new ministry.
- I have a book contract with Ancient Faith Publishing and will be writing and launching my first book this year. (Yikes!)
With all of these major life events happening, I am going to take things a month at a time. 🙂

Big Goals for 2020
I have seven “big goals” for 2020. My current plan is to base my monthly goals on these big goals. However, I’m giving myself permission to be flexible if life circumstances are just not allowing time for other pursuits.
Big Goal #1: Have as organized, peaceful, and stress-free of a move as possible.
Big Goal #2: Write and launch my first book.
Big Goal #3: Reduce my family’s trash waste and learn simple ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Big Goal #4: Prioritize my health by losing 20 pounds.
Big Goal #5: Make one homemade item each month.
Big Goal #6: Read through the New Testament.
Big Goal #7: Read 6 Orthodox books (books by Orthodox writers, books on Orthodox living/ theology/ spirituality, etc.)
Goals #1, #2, #4, #6, and #7 are fairly self-explanatory.
Goal #3 has become more important to me recently. I feel strongly that, as an Orthodox Christian, I should be a good steward of God’s creation and help teach my children to take care of the environment as well. After doing fairly extensive research this past year, I think that one practical area I can focus on improving is waste reduction. Specifically, our family is going to try to reduce our plastic use and waste this year. Each month I am going to take one small step toward this bigger goal, in the hopes that these steps become habits.
Finally, I enjoy creating things, working with my hands, but I haven’t dedicated much time for this recently. So, I hope to complete one handicraft project each month–crocheting, embroidering, and more.

With these “big goals” in mind, here are:
My January 2020 Goals
January Goal #1:
In preparation for our move, I will declutter my closet, the pantry, our books, and the kitchen.
January Goal #2:
I will write for 30-60 minutes each day.
January Goal #3:
My family and I will only use reusable water bottles and coffee mugs–no disposable plastic water bottles or take-out coffee cups.
January Goal #4:
I will drink only 1 chai latte a week. (Ahem. This has become a rather calorie-rich pleasure that I have been indulging in a bit too frequently.)
January Goal #5:
I will crochet 3-4 dishrags using this pattern from Little House Living.
January Goal #6:
I will read the New Testament book of Matthew.
January Goal #7:
I will read the first half of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom’s Beginning to Pray.
And, that’s it! I will try to post my goals each month as well as a reflection on how the previous month went.
Do you have any goals for 2020 or for January?
Dear Sarah,
Thanks for sharing your goals. I especially like how you have sub-goals for every month to achieve the big goal at the end. My husband and I also made the commitment to read more scripture and one thing that’s been helping us a lot is the Orthodox Bible study companion series by Lawrence R. Farley. Right now we’re reading John and we find it extremely helpful to have the commentary after each bit of scripture. Maybe it’ll help ou as well!?
In Christ,
Natalia (from Germany)
Ooh, that’s a great tip, Natalia! I haven’t read that study series. I will have to check it out. Thanks!