Each year I eagerly await January 1st so that I can share my goals for the new year! But the process actually begins about a month before.
In December I spend some time reflecting on the year: what worked, what didn’t, and how I did on my goals. (Be sure to take a look at how I did on my goals for 2018.)

This year I realized that my method of goal-setting just wasn’t working for me anymore. For the past five years I have created 10-15 goals in the categories of: spiritual goals, personal goals, family goals, and professional goals. I set the goals in January and worked monthly to accomplish them.
It’s a great system. In theory.
But, not for me anymore.
I realized that by the time October came around, I often didn’t care anymore about a goal that I had set 10 months earlier. It just wasn’t that important to me. Or, I had lost momentum on some smaller goals because the bigger ones were taking longer than I thought.

Quarterly Goals
That is why I will be trying something a bit different this year: Quarterly Goals.
Instead of setting several goals for the entire 2019 year, I will set a limited number of goals for the first quarter of the year (January-March). I hope that this gives me a greater sense of immediacy, focus, and relevance.
The Process
How do you set quarterly goals? Well, here’s what I did this year.
1. Brainstorm “One Year from Now”
First, I brainstormed what I would like my life to look like one year from now. I decided that one year from now I will:
-be 30 pounds lighter
-have a book published or a publication date
-have a solid relationship with my husband and kids
-have read dozens of interesting, enriching, or fun books
-be growing spiritually
-feel rested and healthy

2. Set Big Picture Goals
This exercise was quite revealing to me. It showed me my priorities and helped inform my Big Picture Goals for the year. Basically, the Big Picture Goals are the way that I will try to reach those priorities.
Here are my Big Picture Goals:
- Lose 30 pounds
- Write a book
- Spend dedicated time weekly with my husband and kids
- Read 80 books
- Set aside time weekly, monthly, and quarterly for rest and renewal
3. Create Quarterly Goals
Finally, based on these Big Picture Goals, I made my First Quarter Goals. These quarterly goals are the focused pursuit of my Big Picture Goals. However, by breaking them down into smaller steps, I feel more likely to achieve them.

My (First Quarter) Goals for 2019
Spiritual Goal:
I will reserve one day per week for rest and spiritual refreshment.
Personal Goal:
I will start a daily strength training routine and track my progress.
Relationship Goal:
I will have a weekly in-house or out of house date night with Dan.
Professional Goal:
I will get 2 months ahead on blog posts.

And, that’s it! Four goals. But, they are four goals that are truly important to me and will help me achieve my Big Picture Goals for 2019.
Have you ever set quarterly goals? What advice do you have?