At the end of each year, I reflect on the year that is almost past–what went well, what didn’t, what could be improved. Then I sit down and create my goals for the new year.
This year I am trying something different. Instead of creating goals for the entire year, I am going to create a few simple goals each month. There are a few reasons for this, all having to do with big events that I already know will be taking place in 2020.
- My husband will graduate from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in May and will, Lord willing, be ordained to the priesthood.
- This means that we will be moving and beginning a big new chapter in our lives. New city, new jobs, new schools for the kids, new ministry.
- I have a book contract with Ancient Faith Publishing and will be writing and launching my first book this year. (Yikes!)
With all of these major life events happening, I am going to take things a month at a time. 🙂
How I Did on My January Goals
January Goal #1:
In preparation for our move, I will declutter my closet, the pantry, our books, and the kitchen.
I only decluttered the pantry this month. Because of a serious bout with influenza A, I was out of commission quite a bit of the month. I will be moving this goal to February.
January Goal #2:
I will write for 30-60 minutes each day.
This did not happen at all! I’ve discovered that I don’t do well with a daily quota. Once I have a day that I miss, I feel that I already blew the goal and lose all motivation.
January Goal #3:
My family and I will only use reusable water bottles and coffee mugs–no disposable plastic water bottles or take-out coffee cups.
Yay! A goal that I actually accomplished. 🙂 I found this fairly easy to do. We all have glass or stainless steel water bottles that we use daily, and my husband and I have insulated coffee mugs that we take with us whenever we want to get coffee/ chai. Easy enough!
January Goal #4:
I will drink only 1 chai latte a week. (Ahem. This has become a rather calorie-rich pleasure that I have been indulging in a bit too frequently.)
I did fairly well on this goal until the last week of the month. As I’ve been recovering from the flu, I’ve needed a few more “pick-me-ups” to get me through long days of teaching school. I’m going to call this a partial win.
January Goal #5:
I will crochet 3-4 dishrags using this pattern from Little House Living.
This was my favorite goal! I enjoyed crocheting the dishrags and now have 4 nice rags to use (as part of my attempt to lower our trash output, I’m going to stop using sponges to wash dishes).
January Goal #6:
As part of my goal to read through the New Testament this year, I will read the book of Matthew.
I have a couple of chapters left. I also got behind on this goal while sick.
January Goal #7:
I will read the first half of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom’s Beginning to Pray.
I have enjoyed the first half of the book and look forward to finishing it this month!
Goals for February 2020
February Goal #1:
Moving goal–In preparation for our move, I will declutter my clothing, my books, and the kitchen.
February Goal #2:
Writing goal–I will finish writing all of the saint profiles I have left to do for my children’s book.
February Goal #3:
Sustainable living goal–I will no longer buy sanitary napkins but purchase and use reusable cloth pads.
February Goal #4:
Healthy living goal–I will not drink any alcohol this month (with the exception of our Valentine’s Day date).
February Goal #5:
Handmade item goal–I will crochet a scarf for my son, George.
February Goal #6:
New Testament reading goal–I will finish the book of Matthew and read the book of Mark.
February Goal #7:
Orthodox spirituality reading–I will finish reading Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.
And, that’s it! What are your goals for February?