Today I’m beginning a new monthly feature called “Living and Learning.” I borrowed the idea from Matushka Emily over at Charming the Birds from the Trees, as I look forward to her monthly posts in which she shares what lessons her children are learning. Each month I will share the things that we will be working together on as a family–particularly how we as parents are helping educate our children in the broadest sense of the word.
Now, just a disclaimer: I’m not advocating that all families adopt our learning goals. These are specific to our family, to our children with their individual temperaments, gifts, and struggles. However, I hope that you may gain some ideas or at least some inspiration for your own family situation.
Here are our planned lessons in Living and Learning for July.
Big Brother (6 years old, a rising first grader)
-work on tying his shoes (I would love any suggestions from wiser parents on this!)
-play catch with Dad
-addition math facts
-read aloud to us or his siblings each day
-continue to foster a love of science through National Geographic Kids magazine, library books, and informal experiments
-talk about sin and Confession
-learn the hymn, “Come let us worship and bow down before Christ”
Family Living:
-Set and clear the table
-Use kind voice with siblings
Sister (2 years old, turning 3 in August)
-potty training (soon I’ll have only one in diapers–can I get an Amen!)
-fine motor skills (painting and writing with a pencil)
-review shapes and colors
-learn all letters (she has half of them down now)
-learn the Jesus Prayer
-practice making the sign of the cross
Family Living:
-pick up toys without complaining
-use a kind voice with siblings
Little Brother (18 months)
-practice using a spoon and a cup
-practice going up and down stairs
-match colors
-point to all parts of the body when prompted
-work on standing still during Liturgy (he tends to want to run straight for the altar!)
-practice making the sign of the cross
Family Living:
-help pick up toys
-use gentle hands with others
What are your children learning this month?
Have you tried this method for the shoe tying?
Thanks for the link! I will definitely check it out!