Each month I share books that I am reading as part of my Goals for 2017. I am trying to read 100 books this year, so I am always looking for recommendations!
What I’m Reading This Month: January Edition
Adult Fiction
Elegy for Eddie by Jacqueline Winspear
Last year I became a huge fan of the Maisie Dobbs series! Maisie is a young, independent detective living in post-World War I England. She uses her intellect, empathy, intuition, and understanding of people in order to solve cases. Elegy for Eddie is the ninth book in the series, so I would definitely recommend starting with the first book (called Maisie Dobbs) if you are just starting out. A word of warning, though, once you start you may not be able to stop until you’ve read all of the books! Elegy for Eddie takes Maisie back to her roots and brings her in contact with a powerful group of men working behind the scenes to shape England’s history.
Leaving Everything Most Loved by Jacqueline Winspear
The tenth book in the series (can you tell I am addicted!) begins a change for Maisie. Through her interaction with people of other cultures and her desire to follow in her mentor’s footsteps, she decides to take a huge step and leave behind everything most loved.
The Road to Golgotha by Christine Rogers
Khouria Christine Rogers sent me a copy of her collection of short stories to review, and I am very glad that she did. The stories are an imaginative retelling of the events of Holy Week told through various, and often unexpected, points of view. A neighbor of Lazarus, a servant in the house of Caiaphas, a thief who is in the wrong place at the wrong time, a Roman guard, and even a demon each narrate the cosmic story of salvation as seen through their daily lives. Look for a full review of the book soon.
Adult Nonfiction
Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
After at least three people I know recommended this book, I decided to put it on hold at my library. It was apparently very popular, because I had to wait awhile for my turn! Shonda Rhimes, the creator and writer of popular television shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal was surprised when her older sister told her, “You never say yes to anything.” Those words prompted a decision that would change Rhimes’s life: to say yes to every opportunity for an entire year. The book is simultaneously inspiring and hilarious (I laughed so loud and hard at times that I was, frankly, embarrassing!). A great book to read in the new year.
Young Adult Fiction
Half Wild by Sally Green
I was really excited to pick up this book, as I enjoyed the first in the series–Half Bad. However, now I really wish I had never read it. Half Bad begins the story of Nathan, who is a young half code. As the son of a black witch and a white witch, he is wanted by no one and hunted by everyone. The story was engaging and I looked forward to the rest of the series. Half Wild, however, disgusted me. While Nathan was a sympathetic and dynamic character in the first book, I found him totally unrelatable and extremely violent in the second book. I found the violence excessive, the characters wooden, and the story line disappointing. Needless to say, I will not be reading the third book.
What have you been reading lately? Leave a comment and let me know!
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