I can still remember the first blog that I ever read. It was 2008, and I had just found out that my husband and I were pregnant with our first child. We were also very nearly broke, so I began to look around online in search of ways to save and earn money. Those searches led me to a blog called Money Saving Mom.
After one visit, I was hooked! I couldn’t believe how much great information that I was able to find all in one place. Plus, I was able to get tips from other readers and find some inspiration and community to help in our frugal lifestyle.
Fastforward a few years later, and I discovered that there are also many wonderful Orthodox blogs out there. I began visiting several in order to get ideas for raising my children in the faith, for celebrating feast days, for fasting recipes, and more. Today I thought I would share those blogs with you.
My Favorite Orthodox Blogs
1. Raising Saints
Raising Saints is the blog written by popular Ancient Faith podcaster Elissa Bjeletich. Elissa writes about raising children in the faith and gives ideas for religious educators. Some of my favorite posts include:
Profound Disruption: Holy Week and Pascha
2. Adventures of an Orthodox Mom
This was the first Orthodox mom blog that I found and is still one of my favorites. Sylvia doesn’t post very frequently anymore, but her archives contain some gems. She has very practical advice on raising children in the Church and was a great help to me when I was a new convert. Excellent posts include:
3. Charming the Birds from the Trees
Matushka Emily’s blog is such a beautiful vision of the peaceful Orthodox home. Many of the posts are pictures of her family’s daily life, and it is fun to see the way that faith is integrated into the everyday. She also has some wonderful posts on homeschooling and learning activities.
Festal Learning Basket: Transfiguration
Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God
4. The Least of These: Raising Autism in the Church, With Dignity
Maura Oprisko is an Orthodox Christian, a writer, and a mother of three children including one with autism. Her blog is filled with beautiful writing, raw reflection, and thoughts on raising an autistic child.
What To Say To Special Needs Parents
Victories: When Tired Moms Bring Loud Kids to Church
5. Catherine’s Pascha
Charlotte Riggle, author of the book Catherine’s Pascha, has a website associated with the book that is filled with parenting ideas, recipes, and book reviews. I especially found it helpful during Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha as it is filled with so many great crafts, projects, and ideas for helping kids celebrate and prepare for Pascha.
Easy Pascha Basket Cover Project
Give Books To Change the World
6. The Enduring Home
The Enduring Home is a fairly new blog with some great articles. Karina writes about faith and family in a simple, practical way. She also offers excellent fasting meal plans for free!
Free Orthodox Lenten Meal Plan
Simple and Quick Lenten Lunch Ideas
Why We Celebrate the New Year in September
I hope that you find these blogs helpful and encouraging!
What Orthodox blogs would you add to this list?
Thanks for sharing these! I recently found you via Pinterest and have been looking for other Orthodox bloggers (I’m a new convert, myself). Thanks for all you do – I appreciate your blog!
You are so welcome, Susanne. And, welcome home!
Hi Sarah!
Love your list – thanks so much for including me!
You’re very welcome, Karina!