Happy Monday! This week I am celebrating successes. I completed my first 5K this weekend, and I am thrilled! You see, just two months ago, I couldn’t run more than half a mile without nearly collapsing. However, for some odd reason I had written “Run a 5K” in my 2015 Goals. And you know how much I love crossing things off lists….
So I began running 2-4 times a week, gradually increasing my distance. I learned how to Eliminate the Quitting Place and not give in to excuses. I rejoiced when the weather cooled down–running in 58 degree weather is SO much nicer than running in 85 degree weather! I began to see myself as a runner.
Then came race day. I chose a 5K that was very family-friendly and supported a cause I was enthusiastic about. My husband and kids came out to cheer me on, and I gave my husband strict instructions to take pictures for the blog! As I ran, I thought of you all, my great readers, and wouldn’t let myself walk. I wanted to be able to tell you that I ran the whole way, pushing myself toward the finish line, striving toward my goal.
I made it! Thank you all for your encouragement! I’m excited for my next 5K and am contemplating another running goal for next year. (A four-miler? A 10K? Any advice?)
Last Week’s Goals
1. Morning Prayers 4 Days
2. Read the book of James
3. Complete Data Form for my Administrator
4. Complete Unit 2 of Elite Blog Academy
5. Get one week ahead on blog posts (So close! I got four days ahead!)
Family/ Homemaking:
6. Have fun trick-or-treating as a family
7. Help a family from church that is moving
8. Get winter clothes out of the basement and sort through
9. Read 2 Books (You can read more about the books I read here.)
10. Run my 5K race!
This Week’s Goals
1. Morning Prayers 4 Days
2. Finish the book of James
3. Start collecting recipes for the Nativity Fast
4. Post Mythology Kingdoms Project on Teachers Pay Teachers
5. Write 5 blog posts ahead
6. Start Elite Blog Academy Unit 3
7. Play a game as a family
8. Watch The Wizard of Oz with our oldest son
9. Read 2 books
10. Run 3 times
What are your goals for the week?
Congratulations!! I ran my first 5k a couple years ago. I was slow, but I ran the whole thing 🙂 another possible goal could be to beat your time. I have a few 5ks under my belt and I always set a time goal to beat. Will you continue to run during the winter? I always stop because I hate running in cold weather and then I pick it up again in the spring.
Thanks, Melinda. And, congrats to you, too! I definitely want to work on my time now. We also have a women’s 4 miler in the spring that I might consider joining. Regarding winter running, I live in Virginia where it isn’t too cold for most of the winter. I think that I will get a few cold weather items (longer pants, headband, etc.) and try it for as long as I can. It was around 45-50 during the 5K, and I loved that. I guess we’ll see what happens once it gets down in the thirties and below!
Congrats on your 5 k! I started running a few years ago and love it!
I’m also trying to meal plan for the upcoming nativity fast. My family and I are new converts so this is new to us. Any advice on fasting with 4 little ones in the house??
Thanks 🙂
Hello Sabrina! What a great question. I’m actually planning a post on just that topic soon, so stayed tuned for more info! Here’s the short answer: talk to your priest. Each jurisdiction and each priest may have slightly different thoughts on fasting with children. In our family we have our children do a sort of hybrid fast. They eat whatever I have cooked (which is always a fasting dinner), but they can drink milk with it. Also, their breakfasts and lunches may or may not be fasting. Some churches prescribe fasting for children over 10, others say that it depends on the individual child. So, I’d be sure to check with your priest.
Congrats my friend! =) And, btw, I just got your 5 day meal plan… can’t wait to try some recipes! 😉
I’m so glad! I hope that you enjoy the recipes. For Orthodox Christians, we fast from Nov. 15 through Nativity in order to prepare ourselves for the miracle of the Incarnation. Traditionally in the Church, fasting meant abstaining from meat and dairy. So, basically we’re vegan for 40 days! I was hoping that people (both Orthodox and non) would find the recipes helpful.