Today I am really excited to have a guest post over at Joyfully Thriving. My blogging friend Kristen writes about “Learning to Love the Frugal Life” in such a fun and engaging way that I’ve been following her for a couple of years now. So, I was very honored to write this post for her about what we can learn about frugal living by watching our grandmothers.
Here’s a snippet:
“8 Frugal Tricks Our Grandmothers Knew
Many of our grandmothers are or were part of “The Greatest Generation”: a generation that lived through the Great Depression and fought in World War II. Through these difficult times, they developed resilience of character and learned how to care for a household on very little.
As a little girl, I would sit and listen to my grandmothers talk and share stories of that time. I also saw the way that the Depression impacted the way that they ran their homes—even decades later. Now that I am grown with a family of my own, I have come to realize that these lessons in thrift and economy still have a place in today’s world…..”
Head over to Joyfully Thriving to learn the:
8 Frugal Tricks Our Grandmothers Knew
Thank you for sharing your guest post, Sarah! Every item was spot on. I loved it, and am honored to share it with my readers!
I really appreciate it, Kristen! Thanks for the opportunity (plus a chance to talk about my grandmothers for a bit. 🙂 )