I love reading blogs like Frugally Blonde where the blogger shares concrete ways that they saved money that month. So, a few months ago I decided to start writing my own, and they have quickly become some of the most popular posts here at The Orthodox Mama!
Here are 5 Ways We Saved in July:
1. Fresh Produce from the Farmer’s Market and Friends’ Gardens
July and August are the most delicious months here in Virginia! I eagerly grabbed great deals at the farmer’s market and had a blast making fresh, healthy recipes like my Best Corn Salad Ever. I also put some zucchini in the freezer to use in recipes later in the year. We have also enjoyed the generosity of friends who give tomatoes, peppers, and more from their gardens.
Estimated Savings: $40 (from free or reduced produce compared to prices in the supermarket)
2. Sales on Back to School Clothes
My wonderful mother-in-law gave me a couple of coupons to J.C. Penny’s to use during their big sale at the end of July. I had a $10 off of $10 coupon and a $10 off of $25 coupon. When I used these coupons combined with prices from a clearance table, I managed to score 7 shirts and 2 pairs of shorts for my first grader–all for $15!
Estimated Savings: $60 based on prices before the clearance sale and coupons
3. Using Ebates on Hotels
Have I mentioned before how much I love Ebates?! We used Ebates when purchasing our hotel rooms for our family road trips, and we received substantial cash back. In fact, I have a check for $75 on the way (a combination of the hotels and other purchases made over the past couple of months). If you haven’t signed up for Ebates yet, be sure to check out my post on How to Use Ebates.
Estimated Savings: $75
4. Free Entertainment
We enjoy many fun activities together as a family, but we REALLY enjoy them when they are free! In July we went to swimming pools, saw buffalo on a Wildlife Refuge, went to library programs, played at the park, enjoyed a concert, and went to a children’s museum–all for free. Check online to see when your community has free events. I print out calendars at the beginning of the summer and scour the Internet for all of the events. Then I write them down and look at the calendar at the beginning of each week to see how we can have fun on a budget.
Estimated Savings: $100 (Based on prices for pools, museums, etc. in the area)
5. Haircuts
My husband does a fantastic job cutting his own hair as well as our boys’ hair. He has saved hundreds of dollars over the last few years through this simple trick. Not sure how to cut hair? Check out YouTube. There are dozens of videos that demonstrate cutting a variety of hair types and styles.
Estimated Savings: $60 (Based on $20 per haircut per person)
Total Savings: $335 These simple, non-time consuming tricks saved us a hefty chunk of cash this summer!
How did you save in July?
(Linked to Small Victories Sunday, Tips and Tricks Tuesday, Pick Your Pin Tuesday.)
Yes, doing our sons haircuts does save a lot of money, however I think we need to watch a tad more Youtube videos before we have it just right. Lol. Great post, finding ways of saving money in a time when everything is so expensive is priceless!
Ha! I know that we had a few interesting haircuts before my husband perfected it 🙂