Last January I had this crazy idea. I decided that I would run a 5K this year. In fact, I included it in my goals for the year. And then I sort of forgot about it.
When September rolled around, I knew that I needed to do something about that goal. After all, I only had a couple months of outdoor running left. So, I signed up for a 5K. I was actually terrified when I did! You see, I ran the mile in high school, but that was a long time ago. My body has changed a lot since then. Three babies will do that to you!
But, there was that goal. And I am one stubborn person.
I began running after school–a convenient time for me since the kids were still at daycare. And, man, I stunk! Those first couple of weeks I could barely run a half mile. But I kept at it. Soon I began running a mile.
Here’s the trouble, though. I ran the mile by going around a half mile loop twice. Every time I reached the end of the first half mile, I saw the quitting place. I could easily call it a day and just stop running. That last half mile became torture.
A couple of weeks ago I started running a mile and a half, and I found a new loop. This was an actual mile and a half loop. There was no quitting place. And, you know what? I never even thought about stopping! Because I didn’t have an easy out, I easily kept going.
This got me thinking: Do I have quitting places in other areas of my life? Do I allow myself to take an easy out just because it is there? What if I eliminated the quitting place? Would I find it easier to do the right thing?
Here are a few examples:
1. Waking Up Early
Problem: I have fallen off the early morning bandwagon. I was really excited about my morning routine a couple of months ago, but a few up-all-nights with sick kids got me sidetracked. Now I find it easier to just stay in bed.
Quitting Point: I hit the snooze button.
Eliminate the Quitting Point: Place the alarm across the room so I have to get up.
2. Eating Healthy Homemade Meals
Problem: On busy nights it is just easier to grab a pizza or Chinese take-out.
Quitting Point: There’s nothing in the fridge, and the restaurant is right there.
Eliminate the Quitting Point: Make crock pot meals or freeze meals to use later.
Do you see what I mean? When you eliminate the quitting point, you have no excuse. It actually becomes easier to do the right thing than to do the wrong thing.
This week I challenge you to think about your goals. What is standing in your way? Are you giving yourself an excuse or an easy quitting point? Make a plan for how you will eliminate it.
Last Week’s Goals:
1. Pray Morning Prayers together as a family 4 mornings
2. Read Hebrews 3-6
3. Complete SMART Goal and submit to administrator
Family/ Homemaking:
4. Start fall baseball with Big Brother
5. Read at least 10 minutes with kids each night
6. Start Elite Blog Academy Unit 2
7. Read 2 books (I read 3 books! You can read more about them here.)
8. Run 2 miles two times–let’s hope it stops raining!
This Week’s Goals
1. Pray Morning Prayers as a family 4 Days
2. Read Hebrews 1-7
3. Begin Mythology Kingdom Project and post it on Teachers Pay Teachers
4. Continue Elite Blog Academy Unit 2
Family/ Homemaking:
5. Go on a family outing
6. Try one new recipe
7. Play a game as a family
8. Read 2 Books (I want to read Dead Wake and The Creative Habit this week.)
9. Run 2 miles three times
10. Call a friend who has moved away
What are your goals for the week?
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(Linked to Hit Me With Your Best Shot.)