It’s that time again! It’s time for December’s Healthy Habit! Back in January I decided to try something different in 2016 when it comes to healthy living goals. Instead of making a big lofty goal, I thought I would try mini-goals for each month.
This year I decided to focus on one healthy habit each month. I hope that by focusing intensely on one thing for a month, I will turn it into a habit that sticks with me throughout the year. Here are my:
Healthy Habits for a Healthy Year
January: Drink 8 Glasses of Water Each Day
February: Eliminate Snacking
March: Exercise 4 Days a Week
April: Sleep at Least 9 Hours a Night
June: Stretch Each Day
July: Track My Steps Each Day
August: Eat Fruits and Vegetables at Every Meal
September: Eat a Big Salad for Lunch Each Day (Didn’t Do)
October: Observe One Sabbath a Week
November: Write in a Gratitude Journal Each Day
December: Spend 10 Minutes Outdoors Every Day
November’s Recap
Since November is generally associated with thankfulness–and since thankfulness is a key part of the Christian life–I decided to focus on gratitude during the month of November. My goal was to write in a gratitude journal each day.
You guys, I completely failed at that. Do you want to know how many times I wrote in a gratitude journal? Um….zero.
I have discovered that I am really not a journal person. Surprising, right? It may be because I am doing so much writing now. Between the blog and my children’s book projects, I write a lot! And, by the time I got to the end of the day, I really wasn’t in the mood to write more.
However, I did change up our family prayer time a bit this month in a way that reflects the idea of gratitude. Each night during our Evening Prayers in front of our icon corner, each member of the family thanked God for something. We concluded each evening’s prayer time in gratitude. Our whole family really enjoyed it!
So, while I didn’t reach my goal for November, I did help bring about a greater sense of thankfulness in our household.
December’s Healthy Habit: Spend 10 Minutes Outdoors Each Day
December’s healthy habit may seem like a bit of an odd one. Why would I make it a goal to spend time outdoors? For three reasons:
- Stress Relief Being out in nature has been proven to relieve stress. The month of December can often get hectic and crazy in our house (as I am sure is the case in most houses!). By intentionally spending time in creation, I hope to help relieve that stress.
- Vitamin D Last winter I developed some health problems, which led my doctor to run a full set of blood tests to determine the cause. One thing that was discovered (among others) is that I am Vitamin D deficient. While I do take supplements to help the problem, getting sunlight is also an important way to boost my levels.
- Connection Finally, I feel more connected to God when I spend time outdoors. As the psalmist said, “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord.” Seeing the trees and mountains near my home, listening to the birds and the wind in the pines, and breathing deeply of the fresh air all bring me to praise God. Being outdoors also helps me connect with my family. Even just sitting on the porch, cup of tea in hand, and watching my children play in the backyard is an important way that I participate in their lives.
By spending time outdoors each day, I hope to find refreshment and nourishment for both soul and body.
My Plan
In order to reach my goal, I will:
1. Go on Runs or Walks 2-3 Times a Week
I actually love running in the winter. I have discovered that I am SO not a summer runner. Sweating while breathing in hot air? No, thank you. But, running in the brisk cold? So lovely! Plus, I can exercise while also getting my daily amount of outdoor time. Score!
2. Go on Family Hikes or Outings to the Park 1 Time a Week
We are so fortunate as to live in a gorgeous part of the country where hiking trails abound. My kids really enjoy going on 1.5-3 mile hikes on the weekends (even the two-year-old!), but we don’t always get around to it. However, this month I will block out time on our schedule to get outdoors together as a family each week.
3. Sit Outdoors Whenever I Can
Finally, even just sitting outside is a great change of scene for both the kiddos and for me. So, we’ll try to play on the porch, have picnic lunches, or just read outside this month.
Be sure to read my article on 8 Reasons Why Children Need to Be Outside Each Day (Even When It’s Cold).
I want to encourage you to think about your health and fitness goals. What will you do to take care of the body God gave you? How will you focus on your health so that you can love and serve others? I challenge you today to take the time to create a few goals for yourself. You are welcome to join me and focus on one habit a month.
Here’s to a healthy you!
How do you find time to be outdoors during the winter? I’d love to hear!
This is an easy one for me! I can’t stand being inside all the time. I live on the Texas Gulf Coast so winter is a lot more pleasant to be outside than the hot, humid summer. I have a large garden of plants that attract and feed butterflies so several times a day I am outside seeing which butterflies are around.
I would love to plant a butterfly garden someday. What a fun idea!