Happy New Year!
For Orthodox Christians, September first is the beginning of the new Church calendar. We begin again the cycle of feasts and fasts that guide us through the life of Christ and the history of salvation. We are once again invited to enter into the ancient rhythm of the Church.
Now, everyone has heard of New Year’s resolutions, right? But, have you ever thought about setting spiritual goals with the new Church year?
How to Create Spiritual Goals
One nice way to begin the spiritual new year is by making goals for yourself and your family. Now, these goals differ from the common New Year resolutions in a few ways:
1. First, spiritual goals differ in their focus.
Instead of just trying to become a better person or kick a bad habit, the ultimate goal is to become more like Christ.
2. Secondly, spiritual goals need special guidance.
It is best to discuss any spiritual goals with your priest or spiritual father. Because your priest knows you and your spiritual state, and ultimately is responsible for you, he can determine areas of particular need in your life.
3. Finally, spiritual goals have no true completion in this life.
We cannot complete a spiritual task and become complacent. As the desert fathers and monastics have taught us, “working out our salvation” is an ongoing task that requires constant repentance and prayer.
Once we understand the differences between spiritual and secular goals, we can prayerfully begin creating some for ourselves.
There are often four areas that Orthodox Christians focus on in this task: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and study. If you are new to goal-setting, consider starting with one or two spiritual goals to focus on for this liturgical year.
Here are some goals that I have set in the past. You can use them to get your wheels turning:
Spiritual Goals for Prayer
-Pray the Morning Prayers together as a family 4 days a week
-Pray the Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God Nurturer of Children once a week
-Pray through the Psalter each month
-Teach the children the Jesus prayer
-Purchase prayer ropes for older children and teach them how to use
-Pray the prayers for after a meal
-Visit a monastery, stay all night, and have a prayer retreat
Spiritual Goals for Fasting
-Create a binder with fasting recipes
-Teach children the purpose of fasting
-Plan for Wednesday and Friday fasting days when meal planning
-Try one new fasting recipe a week during Lent
-Fast from yelling at my children
-Focus on simple, healthy, inexpensive meals during fasting periods
Spiritual Goals for Almsgiving
-Find one charity to support consistently throughout the year
-Volunteer as a family at a local charity
-Donate items
-Write letters to elderly relatives
-Teach children about stewardship and model it for them
Spiritual Goals for Study
-Read through the Old Testament
-Read through the New Testament
-Read one spiritual book a month
-Read/ listen to the life of the saint of the day as a family
-Purchase more Orthodox children’s books to add to your family library
-Take an adult education class at your church
Now, obviously, these goals may not be appropriate for everyone. And, I certainly didn’t have ALL of these goals for one year!
However, under the supervision of your spiritual father, you may find it beneficial to start small and begin with one or two spiritual goals at a time. May God bless your new year!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I had no idea that there were ways to fasten your faith through creating these spiritual goals but it makes more than enough sense for me to want to try this. Thanks so much again for creating such a useful and easy to follow guide on how to get started.
You are very welcome, Larissa! I pray that you have a blessed new Church year.